By: Marc Sznapstajler
Shalom from Israel! My name is Marc Sznapstajler, and I am writing to you from our bus in Israel! After a 12 hour delay and a 10 hour plane ride, our group finally made it safe and sound. The trip didn't exactly start off how I imagined, however, I couldn't be happier with how everything has gone. We were put up in a hotel in New York due to a 12 hour delay. After waking up at 5 am, we made our way to the airport and to our Boeing 747 Plane. The plane ride wasn't too terrible, but 10 hours in a plane can definitely get to you.
Touching down in Israel was simply one of the greatest feelings in the world. The plane erupted in applause and smiles were everywhere! Needless to say, all of us are ecstatic to be here. We are now making our way to our hotel in northern Israel in the dark. Our day will be starting at around 9 am our time - 2 am Eastern Standard Time. Be on the lookout for other blog posts!
Am Yisrael Chai!
Marc Sznapstajler