By: Justin Garfield
As Shabbat arrived today, the people crowded the streets of Jerusalem as we made our way to the Western Wall for Friday night services. When we got there, a lot of us were surprised at how much fun we could have while praying. With so much energy put into our singing and dancing, all of Mayanot 93 couldn't erase the smiles off of our faces. Afterwards, we walked back to the Crowne Plaza Hotel for Shabbat dinner. The evening activities consisted of ordering our most important Jewish values that keep our people together, and a fun Farbrengen to finish the night
The next morning, we slept in a few extra hours before eating a short breakfast. Mayanot 93 tried not to get too full, because we would be on our way to some amazing host families who invited us to dine with them for Shabbat lunch. We were split up into small groups, and walked to their houses for our meal. Unanimously, everyone agreed this was the best food we've hard the whole trip (so far). After lunch, Rabbi Lipskier held a Q&A session for the members of our group-- it was fascinating to hear the intriguing questions the members of Mayanot 93 asked. Immediately following, we closed Shabbat with a nice Havdallah service.
Saturday night continued with the showing of a documentary on the American/Israeli soldier, Michael Levin. We were brought to tears during the viewing, Michael was an amazing person and truly is a "Hero in Heaven." We will be visiting his grave on Mount Hertzel tomorrow morning. Our night concluded with a shopping trip to Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem.
Mayanot 93 has become one big Mi'shpacha (family) and are having the trip of a lifetime! We cannot wait to see what is in store for us in the next few days.