By: Deanna Shears
To be able to celebrate Shabbat in none other than the holy city of Jerusalem was a truly blessing. Me and many others in the group have never celebrated Shabbat in Jerusalem, or even celebrate Shabbat period. To experience this day at the Western Wall was emotional and definitely eye opening.
We began Shabbat by having all the ladies in the group do the Mitzvah of lighting the candles and saying the prayer at David's Tomb. After that, we all headed off to the historic and holy Western Wall. Boys and girls were separated, which was such a culture shock to must of us, but made the experience much more meaningful. I was able to pray on the wall and feel a connection with is something I have never experienced before. Soon after, the girls of our group (sorry I don't know about the boys side) were able to dance around and sing Shabbat songs which was a memory never to be forgotten.
Since it was Shabbat, our group decided to walk the way back to our hotel. Though we thought the walk would've been a disaster, I thought it was actually quite fun and a bonding experience with everyone in the group. To end the night we had a farbrengen.
The next morning was our first morning we were finally able to sleep in! HALLELUJAH! For the first part of the day we gathered for a talk and gift exchange which was very sweet! After we had free time where part of the group had a well deserved nap, and the other part ended out for a fun after noon at the hotel pool. A little while after, the group headed out to the park where we had a picnic and was able to ask the rabbi about any questions we had about Judaism.
To end tonight we went to Ben Yehuda where we walked around the lively city and got delicious dinner and did a little shopping. Overall Shabbat was yet another great day to our birthright trip.
Also it is our last night with our soldiers which is very sad considering how close we all became in such a small amount of time.
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!