"Wisdom From Sinai: Revolutionary Ideas That Judaism Introduced to the World"
Judaism is about lifelong learning - Continuing ed is the norm in any field, auto mechanics, doctors, human resources people, everyone needs continuing ed. When did your Jewish education end? For most people it was after the caterer packed up the Bar mitzvah trays. Sign up for Sinai Scholars - no DJ or give aways required.
Sinai Scholars is an exclusive society comprised of 20 students who committ to 8 weekly classes and discussions through out a semester, exploring the foundations of Judaism and there application today. It's an incredible way to to meet other Jewish students, engage in deep, thought provoking conversation and discover the incredible treasure within Judaism.
We will look at the Ten Commandments, while examining the core values that guide a moral society: love and respect, gratitude and loyalty, faith and integrity. Debate opposing principles as you consider the self vs. others, truth vs. kindness, making the most of now vs. sacrificing for future goals
The Sinai Scholars Society offers a fresh and exciting context for Jewish life and learning. It encompasses Torah study, social activities, trips and national networking opportunities.
Sessions are 2 hours weekly with one 3-5 page paper. A group field trip on a weekend. Stipends of $350 available for those who qualify
Judaism is about lifelong learning - Continuing ed is the norm in any field, auto mechanics, doctors, human resources people, everyone needs continuing ed. When did your Jewish education end? For most people it was after the caterer packed up the Bar mitzvah trays. Sign up for Sinai Scholars - no DJ or give aways required.
Sinai Scholars is an exclusive society comprised of 20 students who committ to 8 weekly classes and discussions through out a semester, exploring the foundations of Judaism and there application today. It's an incredible way to to meet other Jewish students, engage in deep, thought provoking conversation and discover the incredible treasure within Judaism.
We will look at the Ten Commandments, while examining the core values that guide a moral society: love and respect, gratitude and loyalty, faith and integrity. Debate opposing principles as you consider the self vs. others, truth vs. kindness, making the most of now vs. sacrificing for future goals
The Sinai Scholars Society offers a fresh and exciting context for Jewish life and learning. It encompasses Torah study, social activities, trips and national networking opportunities.
Sessions are 2 hours weekly with one 3-5 page paper. A group field trip on a weekend. Stipends of $350 available for those who qualify
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